Week 1 Update!

Hi everyone! It's hard to believe we have already finished our first week. It went by so fast! We are off to an awesome start! Thank you all for of your support this week. From bringing in supplies,  "Me Museum" items, completing forms, and signing up for Dojo, you all helped make this a very successful first week. 

We started the first few days just getting to know one another and getting our routines/procedures down to help our classroom run smoothly. Our class played a fun game of "Find Someone Who Has..." to find friends that had some of our same interests and similarities.
We also read a great story called "Stuart Goes to School." No one in our class had read this book and it is perfect for the first week of third grade. Stuart, our main character, is very nervous about starting third grade but goes through some hilarious events and it ends up being a successful first week.
We also participated in some "math about Ms. Brannon" activities as well as some review with place value. In addition to place value, we started number scrolls. Everyone is LOVING this simple, yet concrete number sense practice activity.

For Social Studies practice, we discussed some basic map skills as well as looking at a variety of maps, finding compass roses, and understanding our location as it relates to the world around us. This is a great introduction before we talk about our community next week.

We also displayed our "Me Museums" this afternoon. Take a look at the "Me Museum" page to see your child's museum. They were so creative and it was amazing learning about everyone.

Finally, just a few things before going into next week. We will start our weekly math and reading homework. Math is broken down into a daily practice, but it will be checked on Friday. Therefore, students can work on it at their pace throughout the week but it MUST be completed by Friday morning. Also, students will be asked to read and review vocabulary words each day. I ask that students read for at least 20 minutes a day. Then, record the number of pages and book title. Parents, there is also a place for you to sign or initial once students have completed. For vocabulary, a nightly quick check of the meaning of words will help with their practice in our classroom as well. They will have a vocabulary quiz every two weeks. I will post our weekly vocabulary words in the weekly update every Friday. A paper copy will be in your child’s folder on Monday as well. 

Unit 1- Week 1 Vocabulary

As always, please let me know if you have ANY questions. I know that was a lot of information. It will not always be this long… :) Have a great weekend and thank you again for an awesome first week! 


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